пятница, 31 декабря 2010 г.

Looking Back: The Top 10 Highest Grossing Movies from 2010!« FirstShowing.net

Iron Man 2

The year mayjustbe ending, but today's earnings won't make or breakTHR's tallyof theTop 10 highest grossing films from 2010. No matter how many times we cry about wanting original stories, less sequels and more bold motion pictures, the films that earn the most money at the box office seem to indicateotherdesires from audiences worldwide. Nearly every movie included in the ten biggest earners of 2010 is either asequelin an establishedfranchiseor anadaptationof a book or series of books, and oneremake. Onlytwooriginal films cracked the Top 10, and you probably already know one. See the fullTop 10 listbelow!

10.Clash of the Titans- $163 Million Domestic / $493 Million Worldwide
9.How to Train Your Dragon- $218 Million Domestic / $495 Million Worldwide
8.Despicable Me- $251 Million Domestic / $540 Million Worldwide
7.Iron Man 2- $312 Million Domestic / $622 Million Worldwide
6.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse- $301 Million Domestic / $694 Million Worldwide
5.Shrek Forever After- $238 Million Domestic / $740 Million Worldwide
4.Inception- $293 Million Domestic / $825 Million Worldwide
3.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1- $278 Million Domestic / $865 Million Worldwide
2.Alice in Wonderland- $334 Million Domestic / $1.02 Billion Worldwide
1.Toy Story 3- $415 Million Domestic / $1.06 Billion Worldwide

It's no surprise that aPixarfilm, especially the heart-breaking end to the story that started the animation studio's success all the way back in '95, is thebiggest successof the year. But box office is just another conquest for Pixar as they have their sights set onwinning the Oscar for Best Picture. The presence of other sequels inIron Man 2,Shrek Forever After,Twilight: EclipseandHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Iis to be expected, and it's not surprising that most of the list is composed of films that are intended to be viewed by the whole family (and withHow to Train Your Dragon, I couldn't be happier with its success).

The two glaring exceptions in this year's box office hits are Universal's surprise animated hitDespicable Meand the mind-bending original dreamweaverInception. Leave it to Christopher Nolan, a director who became a household name after helming two movies in one of the most successful blockbuster franchises currently running, to deliver an original film that rakes in a shitload of money without the inflated cost of a 3D ticket - impressive. Of course, when these two original movies are surrounded by all these sequels and adaptations, it's hard to make the case for moreoriginalstories. Hollywood will remake nearlyanymovie, no matter how classic or beloved, but if the money flow ain't broke, you know they won't even try to fix it.

But for me the most interesting note on box office comes from the siteScreened, who has includedJames Cameron'sAvatar, a film initially released on December 18th, 2009, as an honorable mention on their biggest box officer earners chart.Why?Well apparently the film made$466 millionof its $760 million box office take in 2010, which trumpsToy Story 3's 2010 box office take of$415 millionwith plenty of room to spare. That's pretty impressive for a 3D remake ofDances with Wolves, eh? Sorry about that, but we had to throw it in, its been a year!So what'syourtake on the highest grossing films of 2010?


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